Erol Taymaz 96x96

Taymaz, EROL

Bilim Akademisi üyesi Erol Taymaz lisans derecesini 1982’de ODTÜ Makina Mühendisliği Bölümü’nden, yüksek lisans derecesini 1985’de ODTÜ İktisat Bölümü’nden ve doktora derecesini 1989’da Case Western Reserve University (CWRU, Ohio/ABD) İktisat Bölümü’nden aldı. 1982-85 yıllarında Aselsan, 1985-89 yıllarında CWRU, 1989-1992 yıllarında Industrial Research Institute’de (IUI, Stokholm/İsveç) çalıştı.1992’den beri ODTÜ İktisat Bölümü’nde öğretim üyesidir. Sanayi ve teknoloji politikaları, işgücü piyasası politikaları, sınai dinamikler, küçük firma iktisadı, teknik etkinlik ve üretkenlik tahmini, evrimci iktisat ve mikrosimülasyon konularında araştırma faaliyetlerini yürütmektedir.

Taymaz, Erol [Department of Economics, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey] and Şule Özler [Department of Economics, University of California, LA, USA]

ERC [Economic Research Center; Middle East Technical University, Turkey] Working Papers in Economics 04/5, March 2004. An earlier version of this paper was presented at the Conference on Turkey: Towards EU Accession, Bilkent University, May 10-12 2003, Ankara Turkey. 

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Taymaz, Erol 

Earlier versions of this paper were presented at the 9th Annual Conference of Economic Research Forum (ERF), Al-Sharjah, UAE, October 26-28, 2002, and the workshop on The Post-entry Performance of Firms: Technology, Growth, and Survival, Bologna, November 22-23, 2002.

Small and medium-sized establishments (SMEs) account for a large proportion of industrial employment and production in almost all countries. Moreover, the recent literature emphasizes the role SMEs play in nurturing entrepreneurship and generating new products and processes. Although SMEs could be a source of new ideas and innovations, there are substantial productivity differences between small and large establishments. In this paper, we analyze three sources of productivity differentials: technical efficiency, returns to scale, and technical change. Our analysis on the creation, survival, and growth of new establishments in Turkish manufacturing industries in the period 1987-97 shows that all these three factors play a very important role in determining the survival probability and growth prospects of new establishments.

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Taymaz, Erol 

September 15, 2002 .

This paper studies the competitiveness of the Turkish textile and clothing industries in the last decade, and attempts to identify its sources and changes in competitive conditions. It is found that the Turkish textile and clothing producers have been quite successful in enhancing their competitive position in major markets, namely, in the EU and the US, and seem to be in a strong position for the coming decade....

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Eliasson, Gunnar and, Dan Johansson and Erol Taymaz

Paper presented at the 27th General Conference of The International Association for Research in Income and Wealth, Djurhamn (Stockholm Archipelago), Sweden18 to 24 August 2002

The IT, the Internet, or the Computing & Communications technology revolution has been central to the economic discussion for several decades. Before the mid-1990s the catch word was the “productivity paradox” coined by Robert Solow, who stated in 1987 that “computers are everywhere visible, except in the productivity statistics”. The New Economy, suddenly became the catch word of the very late 1990s. Its luster however, faded almost as fast as it arrived with the deaths of the first years of the new millennium.....

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Taymaz, Erol and Yılmaz Kılıcaslan 

ERC [METU Economic Research Center] Working Papers in Economics, 01/08, mayıs 2002

The accumulation of the studies that have tried to link the export performance of economic units (be they countries, industries or firms) with their technological orientation has basically generated a wide-spread emphasis on the role of technology in developed countries. As a matter of course, being developed and technological superiority have for long been the two sides of the same coin. Relative fewness of the studies, in this regard, which deal with the less-developed economies must not be surprising......

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Özçelik, Emre and Erol Taymaz 

ERC [METU Economic Research Center] Working Papers in Economics, 01/07, mayıs 2002

The accumulation of the studies that have tried to link the export performance of economic units (be they countries, industries or firms) with their technological orientation has basically generated a wide-spread emphasis on the role of technology in developed countries. As a matter of course, being developed and technological superiority have for long been the two sides of the same coin. Relative fewness of the studies, in this regard, which deal with the less-developed economies must not be surprising......

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